Independent Study

Independent study is an opportunity for a degree student to work independently under the supervision of an instructor to undertake special research, literature review, or experimental study projects in areas related to their program of study that they cannot accomplish as part of a standard course in the curriculum.

A student interested in an independent study in the Center of Real Estate must secure the supervision of an MSRED faculty member.
Independent studies supervised by faculty in other departments are processed through those departments. 


Students requesting an independent study must submit a proposal to the supervising faculty member that includes:

The student must complete CRE Independent study form  The following information is required to complete the form:

The student can submit the form to request independent study subject number.

Once the Independent Study Course Number is assigned, the student must comple an online Add/Drop form to add the subject to their registration.

Note that if the subject will count toward the student’s degree, it MUST be graded.