Employment/Funding  Opportunities

Teaching Assistantships

There are some Teaching Assistant opportunities as well for qualified students, typically for those in the 16-month program.
Calls for resumes for both reasearch and teaching assistant applicaitons will be sent out in advance of each semester.

MIT Job Boards for students 

 Student Employment Portal


Special Funding Opportunities

James Smalanskas Memorial Student Support Fund


Established in 1992, the James Smalanskas Memorial Student Support Fund is dedicated to the financial support of CRE students with finanaical need to allow them to fully participate in the opportunities available to students in the program. 


James Smalanskas is remembered by his classmates as a supportive friend to all those he studied with regardless of their backgrounds or financial status. They hope to keep his spirit alive by providing opportunity to students who may be from historically disadvantaged backgrounds or who do not have strong financial support. The fund also strives to help those students who may not have access to a more developed professional network by offering support that allows them to take full advantage of the program. 


The fund offers students support to participate in extra-curricular activities that can help further their engagement in the real estate field and support their professional growth and development. Students who may not be able to avail themselves of the opportunities that arise during their time at the Center for Real Estate can apply for financial support.  The scope of funding may vary based on the type of request and funds available. Requests are reviewed by MSRED staff and requests can be in any amount up to $1500. 


What is supported by the Smalanskas Fund?


The fund can support any activity that will help a student fully engage in the program. This may include support for networking events, conference support, travel expenses related to one’s studies, training, participation in MSRED social activities, as well as financial hardships that may arise. It can also be used to support professional development and job search activities.


The fund is not financial aid and is not intended to be used as such. The CRE cannot use the fund to cover tuition costs/living expenses.


Who can apply?


Students who are currently enrolled in the MSRED program are eligible to apply. There is potential for support of a recent graduation (with in 3-6 months) if the request is job-search related. All awards are at the discretion of the MSRED staff who may consult with the Fund managers when there are special or extenuating circumstances.

Download the Smalanskas Grant Application here

Graduate Student Short-Term Emergency Fund
Administered by the Office of Graduation Education

Graduate Student Short-Term Emergency Funding is intended to be a resource for students who are experiencing one-time, non-recurring financial emergencies, including unexpected and unavoidable expenses, when they have exhausted all other resources. Each request will be considered individually and decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis.

This fund is not intended to cover program costs such as tuition, stipend, and student health insurance. If you have gaps in funding, please speak first with your academic department or program. Faculty officers and staff in your program office will contact the OGE as needed to discuss funding gaps

If Graduate Student Short-Term Emergency Fund disbursements are granted, they do not have to be repaid. Graduate Student Short-Term Emergency Fund disbursements may be subject to taxation based on withholding rates set by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).


Eligibility and application requirements

OGE Financial Assistance and Grants Web Page